Monday, March 17, 2008

The Circus

We spent the evening at the circus. Nina had never been to a circus so this was a new experience for her. The circus has it's own building in Nizhny Novogorod. Circus troupes travel around from venue to venue. Circuses have changed since I used to take the kids. There are lots of special effects and choreography. We had a good time - even had some popcorn and like a little kid, I have a clown souvenir.
This was one time that we all shared a good laugh. Vladmir, Nina's husband said that he had been to a circus when he was little. Marsha interpreted to me that he had been IN the circus. I got all excited and wondered if he had photos of his act in the circus. They thought I was a little strange getting all excited and we all laughed when we realized the misinterpretation of language. I think I will make a picture of Vladmir in the circus and send it to them.

1 comment:

ruth said...

Hey...Kenny and I are taking little Miles to the circus in Oregon tonight! I think that your experience will probably be better than ours! Glad you're feeling better. I've enjoyed reading your stories.
